
Saturday, October 6, 2012


Shira and I were able to get a little more sleep last night and her fever broke this morning.   However, she has been struggling quite a bit with challenges from her Dysautonmia, which has made today a bit rough.  Since stress impacts her, needless to say her body is under an incredible amount of stress, right now and this was to be expected.  However this  doesn't mean we know what to do about it.  We are working closely with the doctors and nurses to try to figure out the best way to manage her challenging symptoms.

Through it all she remains so sweet and is such a trooper, as is evident in this picture. I think Shira has quickly become the favorite PICU patient, as we have lots of Chocolate in her room (thanks to uncle David and family) and many of the nurses like Bravo TV shows, which is on most of the day in her room.  On the other hand, it is hard to come in and out of her room quickly as she is very chatty even when doped up on Dilaudid.

Shira gives new meaning to being hooked up!

Tomorrow, she will attempt to sit up for the first time in 3 days, and we can't wait.  We are hoping that she will  be able to get off of the IV pain meds and switch to oral pain meds.  Needless to say from laying flat on her back, her hair is a rats nest, so while that seems so minor in comparison to all her other issues, it is still of concern, especially since it will be my job to get her hair brushed out.  ( what a long, run on sentence, that was) Perhaps I shouldn't be in too much of a hurry to stop the IV pain meds!

It's great to be on this side of the surgery but we aren't out of the woods or PICU yet.

Again, thanks for your continual care, love and prayers.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! It looks like she is in one of those toy car beds with a couple robots. At least the walls aren't white. Lol. Hope the feeling in her legs is coming back.. Can she watch movies? What type does she like?